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Advertising policy

  1. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine can publish advertising and marketing materials (AMMs) for a fee.

  2. AMMs cannot cover more than 10% of the overall area of the journal.

  3. AMMs are designed for practising medical specialists and professionals and do not contain information on any harmful products. AMMs are meant for medical practice, medical education or medical treatment.

  4. All AMMs are accepted and published under the responsibility of the advertiser who is authorised to publish advertising materials.

  5. Advertisers are fully responsible for the information in AMMs published and their authenticity.

  6. Any advertising publications submitted to the editorial office should comply with Russian legislation and Federal Law No. 38-FZ On Advertising dated 13/03/2006 (as amended from time to time). Pharmaceutical ads should comply with Federal Law No. 61-FZ On the Circulation of Drugs dated 12/04/2010.

  7. Any AMMs should be accompanied with the advertiser and trademark or signature and should comply with Russian law.

  8. Advertisers cannot have an influence on the editing and advertising policy of the editorial office.

  9. AMMs submitted to the editorial office should be separated from materials for the editorial board and reviewers.

  10. AMMs are placed in a designated section, at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the issue or on its cover pages.

  11. The editorial office guarantees a specific place for advertising materials provided this is stipulated by the advertising agreement.

  12. Once the advertiser has proven that AMMs comply with the contractual provisions, the editorial office is not responsible for any errors in ads and losses incurred by the advertiser.

  13. If the advertiser fails to pay, the editorial office may bring the advertiser to justice and demand payment.

  14. The advertiser agrees to compensate for any losses which the editorial office incurs because of AMMs , including claims and suits for defamation, breach of confidentiality clauses, copyright or piracy.

  15. Advertising in the journal does constitute the promotion or endorsement by the editorial office or editorial board of the product, company or service being advertised. The editorial office can be mentioned in AMMs only upon receipt of written consent from the editorial office. Any references on the journal’s website can be included only upon receipt of consent by the editorial office.

  16. The editorial office shall not disclose any personal information of website users or subscribers to advertisers.

  17. Advertisers shall not have an influence on requests by users on the journal’s website.

  18. The editorial office can amend these provisions from time to time. Such amendments will not apply to any materials already accepted for publication.

Advertising Material Requirements

Edged format catalogs 210 x 297 mm.

Graphic materials

Raster graphics.

Accepted in TIFF, JPEG format. Full-color images should be converted to the CMYK model; two-tone - black, cyan; black and white - grayscale. The resolution of the image should be twice the lineature of the raster at a size of 1: 1 (i.e. 300 dpi for the lineature of 150 lpi). Images must be accompanied by a control printout.
Extraneous Alpha channels MUST NOT be present in images!

Vector graphics.

Accepted only in EPS, CDR, PDF format. All texts must be converted to curves. The raster files (TIFF) included in the images should not be linked, but should be inside the file and have the appropriate size (1: 1). All colors used in images must be CMYK. Images must be accompanied by a control printout.
Striped ads should take into account 5 mm trimmed on each side.

Any layout of materials is accepted only in the formats listed above!

Dimensions of advertising modules

1 right through.........215 x 307 (210x297 + 5 mm per sawn-off on each side)
1 in the dial bar.......170 x 257

If there are links to pages in the ad strip, you must temporarily replace them with two capital letters "XX" and attach the font that links are made to the ad module.


  1. Advertising and information modules must STRICTLY comply with the above dimensions;
  2. A control printout is required;
  3. If there are errors, inconsistencies in the advertising text and if technical requirements are not met, the information materials are returned to the advertiser for revision.

  4. Contacts:

    Elena Sergeevna Berezkina  

    +7 (499) 277-01-05 (add. 1065),,

Aссоциация НАЭСКЛ