Current issue 23(3) June 2024

  • The Effect of the Pisa Syndrome on Balance and Gait in Parkinson’s Disease: a Comparative Study

  • Enhancing Sleep Quality in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver with Combined Accelerated Aerobic Training: a Randomized Control Study

  • Features of sensorimotor response of students with different types of attitude to the disease: a cross-sectional study



Annual update of CiteScore 10.06.2024 Annual update of CiteScore
Annual update of CiteScore. The Journal gained CiteScore 2023 = 0.7 and keeps its Q3 in "Medicine – Rehabilitation». See more:

Birthday of Maya Alekseyevna Khan 05.05.2024 Birthday of Maya Alekseyevna Khan
On 5 May 2024, Professor Maya Alekseyevna Khan, a renowned scientist in the field of paediatric physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation, marked her jubilee.

Umberto Solimene (1942-2023) 16.07.2023 Umberto Solimene (1942-2023)
Dear FEMTEC employees!

I express my sincere condolences on the death of the President of FEMTEC Federation - Umberto Solimene. Umberto Solimene, President of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC), Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Centre for Integrative Medicine, Professor at the University of Milan, suddenly passed away in his eighty-second year of life.

The Journal's citations in Scopus 01.07.2022 The Journal's citations in Scopus
In terms of annual Scopus indicator updates, the Journal's citations increased from 5 to 286, and the CiteScore increased 8-fold (from 0.1 to 0.8). The Journal ranked 101st among 146 titles in the “Rehabilitation (Medicine)” subject category, which placed the title at the 30th percentile or Q3 quartile until the summer of 2024.

The Journal «Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine» Has Been Accepted for International Database «DOAJ» 12.12.2021 The Journal «Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine» Has Been Accepted for International Database «DOAJ»
The editorial team of the journal "Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine" is pleased to inform you that in 2021 our scientific publication was included in the DOAJ online catalog, which indexes and provides access to high-quality peer-reviewed journals with open access.

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